Solana 的 500 萬美元熱錢包被駭客攻擊:Phantom 和 Slope 用戶被敦促使用硬體錢包
駭客利用私鑰漏洞竊取了 8000 個 Solana Slope 和 Phantom 錢包,價值 500 萬美元。這就是 SOL 所有者應該使用硬體錢包的原因。
巴塞隆納你好! CoolWallet 訪問歐洲參加 EBC2022
CoolWallet joined one of the best crypto events in Europe this ween when team members attended the European Blockchain Convention 2022 (EBC2022) to connect with the best and brightest in crypto land and find out what’s next in Web3, NFTs, the metaverse, and all the upcoming areas in blockchain.