Stone Cold:保護加密硬體錢包恢復種子的 3 條規則
You don’t need to be a security expert to protect your virtual assets like Bitcoin, just a quality hardware wallet and a healthy dose of common sense and discipline.
Choose a safety hardware wallet for the safest asset storage, avoiding risks from exchanges and software wallets.
Secure your ICX coins with the best ICON hardware wallet! CoolWallet S natively supports the ICON (ICX), ensuring your assets stay safe.
Here's how to protect yourself from Bitcoin and crypto phishing scams that can target you by phone, email or even a Google search result.
152,000 個受感染的 Electrum 比特幣錢包現已進入殭屍網路 - 桌面錢包有多安全?
Latest Electrum Bitcoin Wallet phishing scam report claims that the DoS botnet attack is far from done and actually getting worse. This follows last week’s Ledger Live malware phishing attack. Here's how to stay safe.
J’Accuse…! Ledger Vs Trezor – Who’s Right?
Hardware wallet maker Ledger claims competitor Trezor's crypto wallets are not secure. Who's right, and did they follow correct protocol?