MyEtherWallet (MEW) 增加了對 CoolWallet S 的支持
We’re happy to announce that MyEtherWallet (MEW) has introduced support for CoolWallet S. In this tutorial, we will show you how to connect your CoolWallet.
Guide to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)-Stablecoins Part III
In Stablecoins Part III, we look at Libra-killing central bank digital currencies (CBDC) around the world, most notably China’s incoming digital yuan.
Telegram 惡意軟體 Masad 竊取加密錢包資料並修改位址
新的加密惡意軟體 Masad Stealer 使用 Telegram 和偽造的 Fortnite 應用程式竊取加密錢包資料並替換複製和貼上的收件人地址。
Libra 與比特幣與中央銀行:備受爭議的未來(穩定幣指南第二部分)
In Part II of our series on Stablecoins, we look at the incoming Libra coin, what it is, how it was received (hint: not good), how it compares to Bitcoin and what its chances of success is if and when it launches in 2020.