噢,加拿大!您需要了解的 5 種比特幣 ATM 詐騙(指南)
This week Canadian Bitcoin ATM users targeted again in new scams. Learn about 5 ATM scams to watch out for.
CoolBitX 的 CoolWallet S 榮獲著名設計獎
CoolBitX received a massive industry accolade this week, with our flagship product, the CoolWallet S, winning a prestigious international award.
Bitcoin Mining Guide – Updated 2019
Your go-to guide for everything surrounding Bitcoin mining - from what mining actually is, to how to mine Bitcoins, all the way to joining a Bitcoin mining pool.
用戶感言:「終極安全行動加密貨幣/比特幣錢包」—Panama Crypto
(This article is abridged from this original Medium article by Panama Crypto) CoolWallet S: hardware wallet review by Panama Crypto Indisputably the safest way to store your crypto is in a hardware wallet. There is a very common saying in...
CoolWallet S 現在支援 BTC、LTC 和 BCH 的 BECH32 位址
CoolWallet S, the groundbreaking Bluetooth hardware wallet, adds BECH32 address support for Bitcoin, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash transactions. CoolWallet S users can now send Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) to BECH32 addresses from our hardware wallet. Please...
Stone Cold:保護加密硬體錢包恢復種子的 3 條規則
You don’t need to be a security expert to protect your virtual assets like Bitcoin, just a quality hardware wallet and a healthy dose of common sense and discipline.
「VASP 如何保持遵守 FATF 規則」- CoolBitX 執行長 Michael Ou 在亞洲區塊鏈高峰會上
CoolBitX helped run a booth with the Litecoin Foundation to promote our Special Litecoin Edition CoolWallet S, and I delivered a keynote speech on how virtual asset service providers (VASPs) could stay compliant with the far-reaching latest Financial Action Task Force (FATF) new regulations.
Choose a safety hardware wallet for the safest asset storage, avoiding risks from exchanges and software wallets.