Guide to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)-Stablecoins Part III
In Stablecoins Part III, we look at Libra-killing central bank digital currencies (CBDC) around the world, most notably China’s incoming digital yuan.
Telegram 惡意軟體 Masad 竊取加密錢包資料並修改位址
新的加密惡意軟體 Masad Stealer 使用 Telegram 和偽造的 Fortnite 應用程式竊取加密錢包資料並替換複製和貼上的收件人地址。
Libra 與比特幣與中央銀行:備受爭議的未來(穩定幣指南第二部分)
In Part II of our series on Stablecoins, we look at the incoming Libra coin, what it is, how it was received (hint: not good), how it compares to Bitcoin and what its chances of success is if and when it launches in 2020.
穩定幣:完整指南,第一部分 - 過去與現在(2014-2019)
Stablecoins play a critical role in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. In this article (Part 1 of 2), we take a closer look at the history, origins, current market, types, benefits and risks of stablecoins in the pre-Libra era.
使用者感言:「我用我的 CoolWallet S 為兒子存放硬幣」-@bogzkie1
Today we’re sharing a review from our second CoolWallet S Anniversary winner, Corey Taylor, aka “Bogzkie1” on Twitter.
CoolWallet fan Ryan Bergh not only won a customized CoolWallet S, he's giving it away on Twitter to a lucky follower! He also left us a great review!
噢,加拿大!您需要了解的 5 種比特幣 ATM 詐騙(指南)
This week Canadian Bitcoin ATM users targeted again in new scams. Learn about 5 ATM scams to watch out for.
CoolBitX 的 CoolWallet S 榮獲著名設計獎
CoolBitX received a massive industry accolade this week, with our flagship product, the CoolWallet S, winning a prestigious international award.
Bitcoin Mining Guide – Updated 2019
Your go-to guide for everything surrounding Bitcoin mining - from what mining actually is, to how to mine Bitcoins, all the way to joining a Bitcoin mining pool.