用戶感言:「終極安全行動加密貨幣/比特幣錢包」—Panama Crypto
(This article is abridged from this original Medium article by Panama Crypto) CoolWallet S: hardware wallet review by Panama Crypto Indisputably the safest way to store your crypto is in a hardware wallet. There is a very common saying in...
「VASP 如何保持遵守 FATF 規則」- CoolBitX 執行長 Michael Ou 在亞洲區塊鏈高峰會上
CoolBitX helped run a booth with the Litecoin Foundation to promote our Special Litecoin Edition CoolWallet S, and I delivered a keynote speech on how virtual asset service providers (VASPs) could stay compliant with the far-reaching latest Financial Action Task Force (FATF) new regulations.
BitMex 執行長在「台北糾結」辯論中應對「末日博士」魯賓、台灣宣布全球首個STO 規則、幣安宣布20 倍期貨交易、CoolBitX 推出FATF「旅行規則」解決方案、BitMEX 將很快推出比特幣零息債券等等
152,000 個受感染的 Electrum 比特幣錢包現已進入殭屍網路 - 桌面錢包有多安全?
Latest Electrum Bitcoin Wallet phishing scam report claims that the DoS botnet attack is far from done and actually getting worse. This follows last week’s Ledger Live malware phishing attack. Here's how to stay safe.
J’Accuse…! Ledger Vs Trezor – Who’s Right?
Hardware wallet maker Ledger claims competitor Trezor's crypto wallets are not secure. Who's right, and did they follow correct protocol?
Quadriga CEO「退出騙局」:Mt. Gox 五年後,加密貨幣交易所學到了什麼嗎?
Canadian crypto exchange QuadrigaCX's CEO allegedly dies and locks users out of 150 million USD in assets. Do exchanges deserve to keep our crypto?