以太坊 (ETH) 君士坦丁堡和彼得堡硬分叉:您需要了解的指南
Everything you need to know about Ethereum's Constantinople and Petersburg Hard Fork on February 25, 2019, as well as Proof of Stake transition.
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The new feature is an industry first that enables complete ERC20 portfolio management anywhere, anytime, while keeping the tokens secure in cold storage Taipei, October 2018 - CoolBitX, maker of the first mobile hardware wallet, announces today that the CoolWallet...
31 July 2018 - During Blockchain's hottest current event, Hybrid Summit, hardware wallet developer CoolBitX announced that it has partnered with security software company, MetaCert, to deliver unmatched security and transparency to cryptocurrency transactions. This partnership marks an industry first:...