The First Truly Mobile Hardware Wallet
CoolBitX CEO Michael Ou and his team have made some large strides in the cryptocurrency security and storage industry this past year. Earlier this year they released their next-gen mobile cryptocurrency hardware wallet, the CoolWallet S. Hardware wallets are known for being more secure than storing funds in a digital software wallet, and the CoolWallet is the first hardware wallet that can be used without connecting it by USB to a computer to use. The ability to sync up with a smartphone to access and transact your cryptocurrencies without the need for a computer makes it the first truly mobile hardware wallet on the market. The wallet is the same size and has the same feel as a credit card making it incredibly easy to keep safe and secure while on the go. The CoolWallet S has many security features including:- E-ink display: Reports currency balances, seeds, currency amounts, and addresses
- Physical confirmation button: With the tap of a button, users can confirm and authorize crypto payments
- Secure cold storage and Bluetooth connectivity: Users can spend and exchange coins on the go. No more dealing with frustrating and tangled cords or desktop access
- 2+1 factor authentication security: Other hardware wallets on the market only use 1+1 factor authentication
- Damage-proof: Waterproof, heat and cold resistant, and tamper-proof
- Over-the-air updates: Currently supporting Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, XRP, Bitcoin Cash, and ERC20 Tokens, CoolWallet S adds support for new currency each month via OTA updates for free
- CoolBitX native iOS and Android app: Providing a user-friendly mobile dashboard to exchange, monitor, and store crypto
We are proud to announce we have officially lowered the price of our CoolWallet S to $99!!! Think no more - now is the time to get yourself a CoolWallet S to store your $crypto conveniently and securely! Get yours now ➡️ https://t.co/CrPMODRWy9
— CoolWallet (@coolwallet) September 13, 2018
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