We’d like to bring to your attention that Cortex (CTXC) has now completed their mainnet launch and moved from an ERC20 token to its native cryptocurrency.
BitMex 執行長在「台北糾結」辯論中應對「末日博士」魯賓、台灣宣布全球首個STO 規則、幣安宣布20 倍期貨交易、CoolBitX 推出FATF「旅行規則」解決方案、BitMEX 將很快推出比特幣零息債券等等
Secure your ICX coins with the best ICON hardware wallet! CoolWallet S natively supports the ICON (ICX), ensuring your assets stay safe.
如何在 CoolWallet S 上建立和使用 ICON (ICX) 錢包
Since ICON is natively supported on CoolWallet S, there's already an ICX wallet set up for you, protected by our secure element.
Here's how to protect yourself from Bitcoin and crypto phishing scams that can target you by phone, email or even a Google search result.