CoolWallet’s Enhanced Security: Stop Hacks Before They Happen
Discover how CoolWallet's new transaction preview and Smart Scan features help you prevent hacks before they happen. Enhanced security for your crypto assets.
🔒 Beware of Scams: Protect Your Crypto Assets!
CoolWallet: Protecting Your Crypto Assets with Every Transaction
CoolWallet protects your crypto with advanced security, helping users avoid over $19 million in losses in 2024. Its Smart Scan and algorithms detect malicious tokens and DApps, ensuring your assets stay safe from scams.
Q2 2024: CeFi Exchange Hacks Surge 1000% Year-on-Year
Q2 2024 saw $572 million in crypto losses from hacks, with CeFi platforms hit hardest. Learn how hardware wallets like CoolWallet provide essential protection against exchange vulnerabilities and security threats during the upcoming bull run.
Privacy Pools: How to Protect Users' Privacy While Meeting the Compliance Requirements
Smart Scan: Stay Cool and Safe with Enhancing Security
In the fast-evolving world of crypto transactions, security is paramount. The CoolWallet App introduces an innovative feature that aims to empower how users interact with Web3 applications—Smart Scan.
Web3 Browser: Safely Explore the Web3 World Anytime, Anywhere
Crypto Hacks 2024: $200m Stolen In Q1 Exploits
CoolWallet Unveils CoolKey Crypto Steel Wallet